For art supplies, it has to be Sam Flax South.

Do boxes of colored pencils get you seriously excited? Are you overly informed about brush care or cutting tools? Does seeing an easel suddenly transport you into a world of artistic possibility? If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions then you’re an artist! Art and all of its various components is your passion. You thrive on it, can’t get enough of it, and must partake in it. 

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It’s no wonder that Atlanta’s Sam Flax South is one of the greatest art supply stores in Georgia. The sheer size of its space should give you a sense of is artistic scope and all it encompasses! When it comes to different types of paper, paintbrushes, pencils with different densities, and other types of creative necessities, there is almost no seeming end to them in site.

Yet there is a lot more to Sam Flax than just art supplies. Shoppers can also find office or studio furniture that can range from comfy sitting chairs to other types of home décor, like desks, lamps and picture frames. Travel bags, computer and laptop accessories are also sold here making it a one-stop art, studio and office hub!

More so, November is considered to be master canvas month; therefore there is a pretty good sale (how does 50% off sound?) currently going on through the end of the month, so be sure to check it out before it ends. Shoppers can get discounts on Inc Press printing materials as well as Fredrix canvases. For art enthusiasts, this is pretty much like hitting the jackpot.

The store also offers a rather extensive selection of in-house classes. You can enjoy a calligraphy, paper mache, mural painting, or painting lesson all under the same roof. Pretty cool, wouldn’t you say? Plus, since it’s located 10 minutes away from Navis Pack & Ship Atlanta, you can rest assured your works of art can be safely shipped anywhere in the country by our experienced art shipping professionals.

Sam Flax South is located at 1745 Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30309.


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