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Why live abroad? Some do it for an adventure, to learn a new language, to find a love or leave one behind. Some are running from something, while others are running to it. Maybe you want to discover a culture that is backwards from your own, escape, discover yourself. Some go to follow an advancing career or abandon an old one. Whatever the reason is for moving abroad, shipping your belongings across the world to another country can seem like a daunting task. Luckily for you, international shipping is one of the many things we specialize in at Navis. We've chosen three countries and outlined three fantastic things about living in each; so leave the packing and shipping to us, all you have to do is choose a destination and buy that plane ticket. 


  • This country is rich with culture and history. Almost everywhere you go, you’re sure to find an artifact older than your great-great-great grandmother, and not just in a museum. Walking down the street, you will pass beautiful, ancient sculptures on display in a resident’s driveway or courtyard. Do we even need to mention the Colosseum, the Vatican or Michelangelo?
  • The food and wine are of a quality that your favorite Italian restaurant can only hope to mimic. If you are a lover of food and wine, (and really who isn’t?) Italy is a mecca. The fresh seafood, hand-made pasta, and wines made from grapes soaked in Tuscan sun will have you begging for more; no to mention the finesse that the locals do it with!
  • How about a more practical reason? Renter’s rights are in favor of the renter! Rent may be pricey in some areas, but should you fall victim to not being able to pay, it can take years, yes years, for the landlord to evict you. This is not an encouragement to stop making the payments, but only a safety net to give you some comfort in knowing you won’t be out on the streets in a day or two with a late rent check.


  • There is no real language barrier if you move to an English-speaking country. The only thing you will have to learn is the Aussie slang and how to decipher the accents. For example, “banana” becomes “ba-nah-nah”. We think you’ll catch on just fine.
  • The beautiful scenery, wildlife and beaches and the never-ending adventure that is to be had are another great reason to live “Down Under.” Choose from sky-diving over Byron Bay, bungee jumping, snorkeling or scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef, and a myriad of other extreme and exciting activities that Australia is known for. Even if you aren’t an adrenaline junkie, the spectacular beaches and forests are sure to take your breath away.
  • Universal health care, called Medicare, is also available in Australia. Medicare was created with the intention of providing affordable treatment by doctors, and in public hospitals, for all resident citizens and permanent residents of Australia (except for those on Norfolk Island). Residents who own a Medicare card can get subsidised treatment from medical practitioners who have been issued a Medicare provider number, and fully subsidised "free" treatment in public hospitals.


  • Japan is one of the most modern countries in the entire world, with the most cutting-edge technologies. The Japanese are re-inventing how we live our everyday lives with technological advancements and exciting new gadgets being invented and brought to life there constantly. Japan is at the forefront of the technological age and continues to develop faster, newer and smarter technologies in everything from cell phones to video games and beyond.
  • Japanese residents also make a considerably higher income than in other countries around the world. Especially for those working in the fields mentioned above, information and technology, there is a lot of money to be made.
  • Healthy foods and eating habits are much more common in Japan than in other parts of the world. Their obesity rate compared to that of America’s is incredibly low. Fast food is still available in Japan, but not as extremely popular and in-demand as it is in the United States. On the whole, people living in Japan are much more slender and fit than Americans and people in other parts of the world. Sushi anyone?

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